I'm glad I'm married to You
I find myself looking back through the years...
the laughter we're shared,
the hard times
we've gotten through,
the celebrations and the tears.
It feels as though
we've always been together -
and we meant to be
two hearts joined by one love.
Before we met...
I couldn't imagine
what it would be like
to feel truly loved, supported,
respected, and cherished.
Thank you for giving me
the greatest gift
I've ever known.
I love you more
than I can express,
and I could wish for
nothing better
than to spend all my life
with you.

Tak mungkin dapat bernafas dengan sempurna, bila bangun tidur tengok roommate tiada disisi. Tak mungkin dapat hidup bila dia tidak disamping. I nak dia sorang jerk. Taknak yang lain. Termasuk mamat hensem dari Spain.
roommate..bedmate.. ;P
so sweet !! smemoga kekal n bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat ;)
terharu...semoga bahagia kekal abadi milik kak su n abg sazli..amin!!!
Ok rite now Juan Carlos Jover n Jeorge Portillo is mine...Yeay!
Sentimentalnya entry ni...hihihi
mimie : ha ah, bedmate jugak kalau tgh baik, kalo gaduh tido asing2. haha
edlidza : tq awak!
mida awi : terima kasih.... amin! semoga mendapat anak ekmbar yg sorang laki sorang pempuan. yes!
intan : eh? tu tadek kompromi ok? juan i punyer!
unggustica : kan? mcm terharu tak? ker tak pon?
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